Source code for snakemine.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2011, 2013, 2014 Mark Lee
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Base for Redmine models.

.. moduleauthor:: Mark Lee <>

from ._compat import items
# This is XML because the JSON response doesn't send back enough info
# For example, issue author metadata
from .request.xml import Request

[docs]class Manager(object): '''A Django-like model manager for Redmine resources.''' def __init__(self): self._request = Request() @property def _params(self): return {} def _get(self, path=None, params={}): if not path: path = self._path params.update(self._params) return [self._cls(data) for data in self._request.get(path, params=params)[1] if data] def _resource_path(self, resource_id): return '%s/%s' % (self._path, resource_id)
[docs] def all(self): ''' Retrieves all of the available items for a given resource. :rtype: :func:`list` of :class:`Resource` ''' return self._get()
[docs] def filter(self, **kwargs): return self._get(params=kwargs)
[docs] def get(self, resource_id): ''' Retrieves a single item for a given resource and ID. :param int resource_id: The resource's ID :rtype: :class:`Resource` ''' return self._get(self._resource_path(resource_id))[0]
def _data_to_send(self, data): return { 'object': self._cls.__name__.lower(), 'data': data, }
[docs] def create(self, data): ''' Creates a new :class:`Resource`-derived object. :param dict data: The new resource metadata :rtype: :class:`Resource` ''' resp =, data=self._data_to_send(data)) return self._cls(resp[1][0])
[docs] def update(self, resource_id, data): self._request.put(self._resource_path(resource_id), data=self._data_to_send(data))
[docs] def delete(self, resource_id): self._request.delete(self._resource_path(resource_id))
[docs]class Resource(object): ''' An abstract representation of a Redmine resource. Much like a Django model, a ``Resource`` typically has a class variable named ``objects``, which is an instantiation of the related :class:`Manager`. :param response: the object the represents the metadata of the resource item ''' def __init__(self, response): self._response = response self._changed = {} self._deleted = False def __getattr__(self, key): val = self._changed.get(key) if val is None: if self._response is None: return None else: return getattr(self._response, key) def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key.startswith('_'): super(Resource, self).__setattr__(key, value) elif self._deleted: raise AttributeError('Resource is deleted') else: self._changed[key] = value def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, type(self)) and ==
[docs] def save(self): ''' Creates or updates the resource item in Redmine. ''' if self._deleted: raise RuntimeError('Resource is deleted') elif self._response is None: # new object resource = self.objects.create(self._changed) self._response = resource._response else: # existing object self.objects.update(, self._changed) for k, v in items(self._changed): setattr(self._response, k, v) self._changed = {}
[docs] def delete(self): '''Deletes the resource item from Redmine.''' if self._response: self.objects.delete( self._response = None self._deleted = True